Thursday, September 16, 2010

dishwashing gloves

Dishwashing gloves makes doing the dishes so much more sanitary.  I use decorative ones from a cooking store; if you are going to dishes, you might as well look cute doing it! 
Here's a tip:  I slather my hands with lotion, then put on the dishwashing gloves.  I can wash in HOT water because the gloves protect my hands from the heat.  The heat from the water causes the moisturizer to melt into my hands.  When I'm done with the dishes, I have super soft skin! 

1 comment:

  1. Couldn't agree more.... pretty hygienic!! rubber
    gloves do make a difference when we gotta do
    the dishes by hand, we don't have to touch the
    freaking dishes, and get our hands smelling =)
    women also don't ruin their nails.
